Initiating awareness campaigns for responsible gaming;
Initiating awareness campaigns for responsible gaming;
Conducting PR activities to promote the activities and members of the Association;
Improving the image of the gaming industry and its employees;
Raising awareness of the need for quality and socially responsible business;
Иницииране на информационни кампании за отговорна игра;
Провеждане на пиар активности за популяризиране на дейността и членовете на сдружението;
Подобряване на имиджа на игралния бранш и заетите в него лица;
Повишаване на информираността за необходимостта от качествен и социално отговорен бизнес;
The Association was among the organisers of the gaming industry protests in 2020 against legislative changes that would have effectively wound up the sector and it contributed to these proposals not being passed;
At the initiative of the AOGGAB, the provision of Article 245, paragraph 5 of the Corporate Income Tax Act was adopted, which provides that no tax is due when the health authorities impose a ban on visiting gaming halls and casinos.
The members of AOGGAB were the first initiators who took action to challenge the unlawful collection of a state fee for the issuance and maintenance of a license to organize gambling games with slot machines and in a gaming casino. The lawsuits were won and the state fees recovered, and the NRA subsequently suspended the collection of this fee;
At the request of the legal team of AOGGAB, the CEO of the NRA issued an interpretation of the Gambling Act concerning the suspension of the activity and the procedure for notifying the NRA and returning the license certificate; the NRA accepted the interpretation of the Act made by the legal team of the Association that the activity cannot be suspended within three days of the notification, but after the day on which it is indicated that the activity will be suspended.
At the initiative of AOGGAB, the period of time was extended from 6 to 9 months, within which the organizers could operate until the NRA ruled, if they had applied for an extension of the license and the NRA had not ruled and their old license had expired.
At the request of the legal team of AOGGAB, adopting the reasons set out in the same statement on the interpretation of the law, the CEO of the NRA issued an opinion on the application of Article 85, paragraph 1, point 14 of the Gambling Act in conjunction with Article 10a of the Gambling Act, according to which a compulsory administrative measure of temporary revocation of the license is not imposed in case of late payment of the socially responsible behavior contribution.